Question about the proc filesystem.
bpmedley at
bpmedley at
Sat Sep 8 18:27:47 EDT 2001
On 8 Sep 2001, Frank J. Ramsay wrote:
> On Sat, 2001-09-08 at 10:43, Derek Martin wrote:
> > On Sat, Sep 08, 2001 at 09:34:37AM -0400, Frank J. Ramsay wrote:
> > > I noticed that on (PCI) devices that Linux recognizes it doesn't put the
> > > vendor id or device id. (also it doesn't have any sort of special
> > > seperator between the Vendor Name and Device Name)
> > > Is there a way to ask the kernel to always include vendor id and device
> > > id in /proc/pci, and to seperate the vendor and device names with
> > > something other than a space.
> >
> > Sure, modify the kernel source...
> I'll qualify my question: Without rebuilding anything.
This won't be much better, but I think it might be another option. You
could make a kernel module that overwrites the pertitent proc entry.
I've never tried this, and you still would have to provide a module...
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Brian Medley @~./'O o`\.~@
"Knowledge is Power" brian.medley at /__( \___/ )__\ *PPPFFBT!*
-- Francis Bacon `\__`U_/'
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