[BLU] Re: Linux that stays on a CD?
David Kramer
david at thekramers.net
Sun Sep 9 00:04:39 EDT 2001
On Sat, 8 Sep 2001 bpmedley at 4321.tv wrote:
> On Sat, 8 Sep 2001, Duane Morin wrote:
> > Sometimes I hear this spoken of as one of the holy grails of Linux development
> > -- a Linux distribution that just boots from CD and stays there. The idea, of
> > course, being that you can tell somebody "Look, you can temporarily check out
> > Linux without having to do all that icky repartitioning stuff." But, games or
> > no, does such a beast exist? I'd love to have a couple lying around to show
> > off (frinstance next time I'm at my dads house just pop it in and say "Hey,
> > try it for a little while). Kinda makes me sound like a drug dealer, but, you
> > know, in the *good* way. :)
> I believe suse has something that does mostly what you want. I've never
> tried it, but it is available here:
> ftp://ftp.suse.com/pub/suse/i386/live-eval-7.2/
Just found this one:
If you're willing to do your dog-and-pony in text mode (without X), you
can do it even cooler from floppy:
DDDD David Kramer http://thekramers.net
DKK D If Bill Gates had a dime for every time a Windows box
DK KD crashed...
DDDD ...,Oh wait, he already does.
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