Boston Linux Meeting Wednesday, September 19, 2001

Jerry Feldman gaf at
Sun Sep 16 21:15:43 EDT 2001

When: September 19, 2001 7:00PM
Topic: UNIX History 
Presented by Thomas Teixeira <tjt at>
Location:  MIT Building 4-370

I originally had asked Clem Cole to speak, however he will be travelling 
and is unable to attend. However, Tom Teixeira graciously agree to stand in 
for Clem.
While UNIX was developed at Bell Laboratories, its spread through the 
academic world was a result of an open source ethic which both accelerated 
the rate of adoption and the rate of development of the UNIX system and 
other fundamental changes in the design of computer systems and software. 
The UNIX culture of sharing code and the commercialization of UNIX in the 
1980's provided the environment for Linux to appear in the 1990's.

For more information and directions, please check the blu web 

Jerry Feldman <gaf at>
Boston Linux and Unix user group

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