Journaling file systems revisited

Derek Atkins warlord at MIT.EDU
Thu Aug 8 14:13:00 EDT 2002

ext3 doesn't require it, but does force a more thorough check
every once in a while (I haven't determined how often).


"Jerry Feldman" <gaf at> writes:

> My old laptop was running SuSE8.0 with Reiser file system. However, I was 
> having some difficulty with file system corruption. To compund it, the 
> wedge (which contains my Cd and floppy) would sometimes fail to be 
> detected. The only way to repair a reiser file system is to use one of the 
> fix parameters on an unmounted file system. So, on the root file system, 
> one must boot from a rescue, which I could not do because I could not get 
> the wedge to be recognized. (I paid a tech to fix the wedge because the 
> last time I fixed it I lost a spring and a couple of screws). It appears 
> that the corruption was due to a bad memory expansion module, which is now 
> in the waste basket. 
> Now for the question:
> The laptop gets booted 2 or 3 times a day. At home, I have some file 
> systems I keep unmounted except for backups, so they get mounted daily. 
> Normally they would require periodic full fscks (either by the number of 
> mounts or the time). This can be adjusted via tunefs. Is their any point at 
> which ext3 would require a full fsck through normal mount and unmount. I 
> suspect that reiser rarely would require this. So, in general, I would 
> assume that a journalling file system does not need a periodic equivalent 
> to the fsck. Glenn, I think you have a lot of experience with JFS or XFS. 
> -- 
> Jerry Feldman <gaf at>
> Associate Director
> Boston Linux and Unix user group
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       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
       URL:    PP-ASEL-IA     N1NWH
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