Remote X problem (Linux to SCO Unix)
Chuck Young
chy at
Mon Feb 4 12:49:03 EST 2002
I am not sure, but I think the crux of the biscuit here is that Vince wants
the SCO xdm session with the login screen to appear on the linux desktop,
just like the remote (linux) user was sitting at a SCO console. Vince, is
this what you are ultimately shooting for? Using Linux to provide SCO-like
console xdm logins?
I have seen this done with Exceed on NT when connecting to a Solaris host.
You can get it to display the login banner as though you were at a sun
console logging into a CDE environment. It's quite cool, but has it's
If this is the case, the dialog so far has been preliminarily helpful, but
the ultimate objective is to use the linux device as a way to give users a
SCO console xdm login experience. I haven't used exceed in years, sorry. I
hope Linux can be configured to do this for you (hopefully others can help
w/configuration), but please consider some of the downsides to this...
If I'm barking up the right tree: Vince, have you considered the case where
all your users are logged into the miracle cure X displayed environment and
the network has problems? All data lost. All users unhappy, etc., etc.
Also, remember ethernet (100Mb switched) is probably fast enough to schlep a
few sessions around, but within limits on the server end, and the WAN
connections will likely not work at all, due to bandwidth constraints. Even
with compression X is a B/W pig, and there are numerous security concerns
with X, some of which can be mitigated by using it over an ssh encrypted
session - which unfortunately slows it down...
Not to party-poop, but to advise? 8^)
Chuck Young
Security Consulting
Genuity E-Services
-----Original Message-----
From: discuss-admin at [mailto:discuss-admin at]On Behalf Of
Derek Atkins
Sent: Monday, February 04, 2002 11:42 AM
To: Vince McHugh
Cc: NH Linux User Group; BLU
Subject: Re: Remote X problem (Linux to SCO Unix)
Vince McHugh <vince_mchugh at> writes:
> Here is what I have done so far...
I wont comment on the lack of security, however....
> On my local linux box (linux1) I typed
> xhost sco2
> it returned the message that sco2 was added to the
> access list.
Ok, this means that 'sco2' can open your local display (on linux1)..
> On my sco unix box (sco2) I telneted in and typed
> export DISPLAY=linux1:0
> it returned no message at all, just back to the
> prompt.
Right, there is no response from export. However, at this point
you should be able to run any X application on sco2 and it should
display properly linux1. For example, if you run 'xterm &' on
sco2, it should display fine on linux1. Try it.
> My problem is HOW do I get the graphical display from
> sco2 to show up on linux1 like it does on
> windoze\exceed. The user name and password is the same
> in both cases (linux & windoze).
What error do you get at this point? Linux may be screwing you due to
'xauth' lossage, in which case you need to deal with Xauthority files
instead of 'xhost'. Go "man xauth" for more information. In particular,
you should look at "xauth list" and "xauth add".
> I realize that this may be trivial and old hat to
> many of you BUT it is the one thing from stopping me
> from introducing a Linux only desktop to my company.
Well, what error do you get when you try to run your application?
> Help! and Thanks in advance!
Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board (SIPB)
warlord at MIT.EDU PGP key available
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