Wanna go to a computer show?

Anthony J. Gabrielson agabriel at home.tzo.org
Tue May 14 22:01:49 EDT 2002

It looks like I may be one of the few on this list that takes a slightly
different strategy.  I like to buy slightly older hardware that is more
specialized.  For instance, I just bought an SGI Octane (got a bargain on
it).  This Octane is optimized to do video and graphics.  It has also has
an ideal bus for heavy I/O operations.  The video available for it is top
notch, and the prices on this equipment are reasonable.  I have a sun for
a system that I need to be always available and running, and it stays by
me.  I have a linux as a workstation and launch pad for different
things.  Finally I have a windows box for just a few things as well.  All
and all this works well for me.  I can purchase things at flea markets and
auctions, and get a good deal for things.  I don't have to worry about
being bleading edge and most bugs.

I enjoy my selection, its the spice of life.  I have a piece of equipment
that can do anything, as well as some clutter....  I do have an
understanding of much more than I would if I just stayed with one

I have taken similar stances in the past and been flamed.  I will give my
response to anyone getting ready to flame.  The name of the group is
Boston Linux & UNIX - not Boston Linux.

My 2 cents, and worth just that.


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