Has anyone converted M$ Access to MySQL?

yrp001 at yellowbank.com yrp001 at yellowbank.com
Thu Sep 5 17:16:35 EDT 2002

On Thu, Sep 05, 2002 at 07:40:01PM -0000, Bill Horne wrote:

> I'm doing volunteer work at an organization which may 
> choose to convert an existing M$ Access database to 
> open source, such as MySQL or Postgresql.
> If anyone on the list has had experience with such a 
> change, please email me privately to discuss.

Converting the tables shouldn't be too hard.  Providing an interface may
be.  MS Access is comprehensive - it provides form and report tools
which backend databases like PostgreSQL do not.  How will users
interface with the data?

I found a tool called 'gedafe' recently that I've started playing with.
It reads the structure of a PostgreSQL database from the database's
system tables, and automatically generates a web interface to that
database.  Depending on what you'd like to accomplish, it might be worth
looking into.


Ron Peterson                   -o)
87 Taylor Street               /\\
Granby, MA  01033             _\_v
https://www.yellowbank.com/   ---- 

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