Interesting Linux news... M$ threatens Lindows

Robert La Ferla robertlaferla at
Mon Dec 15 23:59:55 EST 2003

I was just reading an article about how Microsoft has threatened Lindows 
to change it's name or face attacks against it and it's distributors.  
First, RedHat dropped their retail distribution now Lindows is being 
threatened.  Did RedHat do this solely because there was more money to 
be made in the Enterprise market or were they also nudged by M$?  One 
wonders because as far as I can tell, they are two of the top five 
retail Linux distributions and probably the top two for "users".  There 
is also another article on how Israel is threatening to switch to Linux 
after Thailand got a price break from M$.

**Dump Lindows name or we'll take all your money, says MS* 

**Israel accelerates free software migration* 


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