A distribution bytes the dust!
John Chambers
jc at trillian.mit.edu
Tue Nov 4 12:28:05 EST 2003
| Johannes Ullrich <jullrich at euclidian.com> wrote:
| > Well, they will still have 'Fedora', which I guess is going to replace
| > the current consumer RedHat distro.
| Doesn't sound like their CEO has much faith in it for the imminent future,
| though:
| http://news.zdnet.co.uk/software/linuxunix/0,39020390,39117575,00.htm
When he said that home users should choose Windows instead, he was of
course wrong. They should choose OSX.
Recently my wife, a long-time Windows user for job-related reasons,
decided to try a Mac laptop and see if that would decrease her use of
obscenities. She tried one in an Apple store, and ended up carrying
one home. Within a few hours, she was saying how much she loved it.
Now, a couple of months later, she has come up with a few things that
she thinks Windows does better, but she reacts with horror to the
idea of "going back". I've heard a lot of questions while she was
using the Mac, but no obscenities.
I have wondered at times whether having a long-time unix user in the
house that can help her puzzle out problems is part of the story. I'd
guess that it's a small part, but not all that significant. She has
rapidly figured out lots of things that I didn't know.
She's especially happy that her Powerbook does such a good job with
video and sound. Our use of both our TV and CD player have dropped to
near zero since she got it. The DVDs she gets from Netflix work just
fine on the Mac, and the iMovie controls make a lot more sense to her
than the TV and DVD-player remotes ever did. She also figured out how
to access TV shows via the internet, which with the airport gives her
access to the few shows she wants to watch from anywhere in the
house, not just the couple of places where there are TV sets. Now
we're wondering if we should look into terminating the cable TV
service, and use it only for internet access. Or maybe DSL would be
cheaper, if the cable company refuses to supply internet access
unbundled from TV.
One example: When there were weather questions, she used to turn the
TV to the weather channel. Now she grabs her Mac and uses weather.com
instead. Not the same, but just as useful. Our radios still get a lot
of use, but with wireless laptops, sites like npr.org, wbur.org,
nytimes.com and news.google.com have started to cut into that, too.
If the linux gang could come up with a laptop package that includes
full support for CDs and DVDs, plus all the common online music and
video formats and painless wireless access, in a form reasonably
comparable to what the Macs do, it could be a real winner. As far as
I can tell, this isn't really close, but I'd be happy to be wrong.
The GUI issue is a red herring. KDE and Gnome both have a Start-menu
lookalike, which is all there really is to it other than cosmetics.
The Mac doesn't even do that, and users hardly notice, as the "dock"
is intuitively obvious and works just as well. Show most users some
downloadable themes, and they think it's a big improvement over the
Windows look.
So why would RH's CEO think that home users should use Windows? Maybe
he hasn't seen a recent Mac? Should we try to show him one?
<:#/> John Chambers
+ <jc at trillian.mit.edu>
/ \ <jmchambers at rcn.com>
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