Update from my personal hell
John Chambers
jc at trillian.mit.edu
Thu Nov 13 10:06:59 EST 2003
Jerry Feldman writes:
| Derek Martin <invalid at pizzashack.org> wrote:
| > You could use xterm instead. It's better than either konsole or
| > gnome-term in almost every conceivable way, IMNSHO. A perfect case of
| > "why try to fix what isn't broken" if you ask me.
| I also prefer Xterm. The only thing I like about Konsole is that you can
| easily change the colors of an existing term.
Yeah; it's funny that xterm has never had a menu to do this. It would
be useful. I wonder why this was left out, considering xterm's
near-infinite set of options and config settings?
OTOH, I've had a cute little xterm startup script that I call 'xrand'
that I've used for years:
: cat ~/sh/xrand
# Exec an xterm with random colors. There should be a $HOME/.colors
# file full of xterm command-line color options. A blank line will
# get the default colors.
S='-g 90x36'
O='-cm -bdc -ulc -dc +pc -sb'
if [ ! -f $HOME/.colors ];then
echo "Can't find $HOME/.colors file."
c=`-bg black -fg yellow`
m=`date +%H%M%S`
n=`wc -l<$HOME/.colors`
l=`expr \( $m '+' $$ \) % $n + 1`
c=`head <$HOME/.colors -$l |tail -1`
xterm -name xrand $S $O $c $* &
exit 0
The $HOME/.colors file contains lines like:
-fg yellow -bg black -cm -cr red
-fg green -bg navy -cm -cr red
-fg cyan -bg DarkGreen -cm -cr red
-fg pink -bg grey30 -cm -cr white
and so on, whatever produces good contrasts on the machine's display.
One obvious question is: Shouldn't this be written in perl? Well,
yes, it should be. I did it as a sh script mostly as a fun demo of
ultra-geek shell wizardry. ("You did the arithmetic in a shell script
just to pick a random line? Are you insane?" ;-)
It certainly isn't efficient. But how often do you start a new xterm?
<:#/> John Chambers
+ <jc at trillian.mit.edu>
/ \ <jmchambers at rcn.com>
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