RE's and grep

karina.popkova at karina.popkova at
Tue Sep 2 13:43:09 EDT 2003

Thank you for the recent posts on 
regular expressions. This is interesting.

I am interested in finding words in a file 
like a dictionary (file.dict) that have a 
basic match to a pattern.
I just read this, so I will try this.
>>% egrep "^\(fee\|fie\)" junk.txt

Now, what I really want to do
is to search for general words
that have a pattern, but also to 
exclude a specific vowel or consonant.
I.E., to make as a part of the search pattern
that you call an RE, to look for given words
and make sure that the vowel "a" or the
vowel "e" is not a part of the word or string?

How could you find all words in a file that do not
have the letter: a, or e or i, and so on (???)
Or do not have the letters a, and e, and i in the same word?

thanks in advance



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