(no subject)

steve at horne.homelinux.net steve at horne.homelinux.net
Fri Sep 26 17:33:28 EDT 2003

	Hello BLU -- 

	I'm trying once again to deal with the "comcast won't email to AOL"
	 problem -- 

grepped the archives and did as follows -- 

[root at rio log]# cat /etc/mail/mailertable
aol.com                 smtp:smtp.comcast.net
cmod.psfc.mit.edu       smtp:smtp.comcast.net  
(Second line added for testing, maybe)

I did  "make mailertable" in /etc/mail
[root at rio mail]# ls -l mailertable.db
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root        12288 Sep 26 13:38 mailertable.db

I checked sendmail.cf, and edited it as seemed reasonable

Here are what looks to be the important lines
#Kmailertable dbm /etc/mailertable
Kmailertable hash -o  /etc/mail/mailertable.db

# not local -- try mailer table lookup
R$* <@ $+ > $*          $: < $2 > $1 < @ $2 > $3        extract host name
R< $+ . > $*            $: < $1 > $2                    strip trailing dot
R< $+ > $*              $: < $(mailertable $1 $) > $2   lookup
R< $~[ : $+ > $*        $>95 < $1 : $2 > $3             check -- resolved?
R< $+ > $*              $: $>90 <$1> $2                 try domain

###  Ruleset 90 -- try domain part of mailertable entry         ###

R$* <$- . $+ > $*       $: $1$2 < $(mailertable .$3 $@ $1$2 $@ $2 $) > $4
R$* <$~[ : $+ > $*              $>95 < $2 : $3 > $4     check -- resolved?
R$* < . $+ > $*                 $@ $>90 $1 . <$2> $3    no -- strip & try again
R$* < $* > $*           $: < $(mailertable . $@ $1$2 $) > $3    try "."
R< $~[ : $+ > $*                $>95 < $1 : $2 > $3     "." found?
R< $* > $*                      $@ $2                   no mailertable match


Restarted sendmail...

Questions -- 

How can I test if the right thing is happenming (short of bothering friends at aol)?
I had hoped that adding that second line to /etc/mailertables, and sending mail there, would result
in a fingerprint of some sort in the header info, but I didn't see it.



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