I tried the wireless centrino again tonight.

David Kramer david at thekramers.net
Tue Aug 24 01:00:01 EDT 2004

I have a dual boot Thinkpad T42 with SuSE 9.1.  I've been trying to get the 
centrino wireless card to work ever since I got it, to no avail.  The card is 
the IBM centrino 2200 minipci card (not the 2100).  Works fine under Windows.

ndsdriver didn't work at all.
driverloader not only didn't work, but would lock up the computer cold.

Mark Kushinsky, who I met at the last installfest, was kind enough to point me 
to http://ipw2200.sourceforge.net/, where IBM has finally started working on 
Linux drivers for this card, and it *should* work.

I followed the directions, installed the software, waved the dead chicken over 
the screen (right to left, not left to right, because it's the 2.6 kernel), 
and it sorta maybe works.

You can see some choice entries from /var/log/messages at 

What works, what doesn't:
- iwconfig shows eth1 as 802.11bg, managed, no access point, no signal, and a 
noise level of 158.
- lsmod shows ipw2200, firmware_class, and ieee80211 are loaded.
- ifconfig shows eth1 with the right MAC address, and shows an ipv6 address, 
but no ipv4 address.  I'm not using ipv6.
- iwspy eth1 says interface doesn't support wireless statistic collection
- /var/log/messages says, among other things, "eth1: no IPv6 routers present".
- dhcpcd -d eth1 times out (see logifle)

Anyone have any suggestions where I can turn next?


DK KD  "Apparently the most controversial thing we ever had on _Buffy_
DKK D  was a hamburger and chicken sandwich."
DK KD                - Joss Whedon, creator of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"

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