no habla bash muy bien...
Joshua Pollak
pardsbane at
Fri Jan 30 10:54:03 EST 2004
Thanks for all the tips re: bash, awk, sed, etc. I didn't respond to
everyone individually, but I read everyones advice and suggestions and
took them into consideration.
On Jan 29, 2004, at 3:23 PM, Sean T Langan wrote:
> One of my friends is a programmer, and once you guys had thoroughly
> confused
> me with your shell-scripting trickery I bounced the original
> problem/question over to him for some clarification. In his response
> to me
> he states that his solution should work, or he will eat a hat. I
> would take
> great pleasure in seeing him eat a hat, so here I submit his solution
> (with
> his permission) for your collective consideration.
I would love to see him eat his hat as well, but unfortunately for you
and fortunately for him, I gave up on bash/sed/awk before I got his
message. BUT, before I did, I got it working. Here is the code I had
working with bash:
local FILTER_COMMAND="sed -e s/#.*// ${CONFIG_FILE}"
local VALUE=`$FILTER_COMMAND | awk -F"=" "/$PARAMETER/ { print "'$2'"
}" `
Basically, the trick was to multiple strings, closing with a " just
before the $2, which was wrapped in 's, and then finishing up with a
"ed string.
Here is your friends solution:
> RESULT=`sed -e s/#.*// $CONFIG_FILE | awk -F= '/'$PARAM'/ { print $2
> }'`
I tried them both just now to test, and they both work. I have attached
two files, config and printParam.bsh, that illustrate both my solution
and your friends. If your curious, just save them to file and run:
#sh printParam.bsh
> The real answer to this is:
> "Write a freaking Perl script to do this, you idiot".
> Having a bash environment variable be set by piping a sed script to an
> awk
> script is just sooooo eighties...
Your friend is absolutely right. I finally decided (after I got the
bash/awk/sed bit working) that I should just redo the whole think in
Perl. One major reason is that I dreaded trying to duplicate the same
work again using windows batch scripting (we do cross platform
development, so we need to bootstrap our environment on both platforms,
and had been using a bat file on Windows and a bash script on Linux).
Also, as annoying as I find Perl, at least its an actual programming
language, and I was able to hash out the whole script (and toss in some
new features I needed) fairly quickly. The best part was that it took
only minor tweeking to get it running on Windows.
I've attached my perl script for comparison as well, the relevant
reg-exps are in there somewhere.
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Joshua Pollak
Software Engineer
Charles River Analytics
617-491-3474 x586
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