OT: Open source voting machines and other gizmos (was Re: Comcast and SORBS)

Seth Gordon sethg at ropine.com
Tue Nov 23 13:08:01 EST 2004

As I understand it, when the Turnpike Authority was set up as an 
independent quasi-government agency, its charter provided that once it 
paid back all its bonds, the authority would be dissolved and control of 
its roads would go back to the Commonwealth.  To prevent this from 
happening, the Authority keeps issuing more and more bonds for more 
expensive construction contracts.  Since the legislature can't prevent 
the Authority from setting tolls as high as they want, investors are 
happy to keep buying those bonds.

"If John Kerry was the last best hope for the Republic ... then maybe
  it wasn't worth saving in the first place.  I don't believe that,
  though. And neither do you." --Dan Layman-Kennedy
// seth gordon // sethg at ropine.com // http://dynamic.ropine.com/yo/ //

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