[blu] broadband phones?

Anthony Gabrielson agabriel at home.tzo.org
Mon Nov 29 22:13:21 EST 2004

On Mon, 29 Nov 2004, William D Ricker wrote:

> view. And no, GPS phone doesnt help much.

Okay - I'll bite; why doesn't it.  I think POTS is over priced and for 
the vintage of tech that it is, so why should I pay for it?  I have had my 
cell phone for three years and its reception has only gotten better, also 
the one time I need to call 911 when I saw bad wreck they knew 
exactly where I was.  The only valid gripe I see is power, in which 
emergency generators can be put in place for the tower.  

POTS needs to go - its old, overpriced, and requires to much overhead to 
maintain it.


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