Blocking port 25
Nicholas Bodley
nbodley at
Tue Jul 26 00:10:30 EDT 2005
On Sat, 23 Jul 2005 10:51:41 -0400, <dsr at> wrote:
> Speakeasy doesn't block ports. They're also quite geek-friendly, and
> reasonably responsive. I've heard a large number of good things about
> them, and only one negative report.
When Telocity --> DirectTV DSL was about to die, I checked reviews on
Broadband Reports, and selected Speakeasy. I've been quite happy with
them. A while back, they were encoraging subscribers to set up their own
wireless access points, no extra charge. They also said it would be OK to
charge w.a.p. users for use of the a.p. -- I cite that to support their
geek-friendly attitude (i.e., a good attitude).
Their VoIP was one of the first to have proper 911 geographical
(A little apology -- I replied also to DSR off-list.)
Nicholas Bodley /*|*\ Waltham, Mass. (Not "MA")
The curious hermit -- autodidact and polymath
Hope for these times: Paul Rogat Loeb's book --
"The Impossible Will Take a Little While:..."
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