A tip of the hat to the end of a distro as we know it.

David Kramer david at thekramers.net
Fri Apr 7 00:57:23 EDT 2006

Red Hat gives up on Fedora Foundation
4/6/2006 10:16:57 AM, by Ryan Paul

"In an  open letter distributed to the Fedora community earlier this
week, Red Hat employee and Fedora project leader Max Spevack states that
Red Hat is no longer interested in establishing an autonomous, nonprofit
foundation to manage the Fedora project. Instead, Red Hat will revive
the Fedora Project Board, which will include five Red Hat
representatives, four members of the Fedora community, and a chairman
appointed by Red Hat who will possess veto power. Dominated by Red Hat,
the Fedora Project Board will now have complete authority over the
Fedora project, including budgetary control."

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