Help with procmailrc file

Scott R. Ehrlich scott-DPNOqEs/LNQ at
Tue Sep 9 07:46:19 EDT 2008

I found a procmailrc recipe that helps filter on TLDs:

  Filter by top level domains
:0 HB
* .+\.(uk|tw|cn|pl|de|cz|za|ch|ie|be|ru|uk|in|nz|hk|fr|kr|jp|br|fi|i

But it also catches .info, I had .co in there which caught .com 
accidentally.  I'm continuing a google search, but how do I, or can I, 
have procmail only filter on the TLDs in the list, and not use it as a 
grep (i.e. find .in, not .info, find .co, not .com).



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