Mounting a LVM partition from a linux live cd
John Abreau
jabr-iwcNaMm7aMIiq3RsQ1AnAw at
Wed Sep 17 11:58:28 EDT 2008
Try running vgscan to create the VG files under /dev:
$ sudo vgscan
Reading all physical volumes. This may take a while...
Found volume group "RosettaVG" using metadata type lvm2
$ sudo ls /dev/RosettaVG
home root usr var
$ sudo mkdir /mnt/temp ; sudo mount /dev/RosettaVG/root /mnt/temp
This assumes the livecd has LVM compiled into its kernel.
On Wed, Sep 17, 2008 at 11:50 AM, Matt Shields <matt-urrlRJtNKRMsHrnhXWJB8w at> wrote:
> I'm running CentOS 5.2, it uses LVM to manage the disks and we had a
> programmer do something (not sure what) then reboot the system. When it
> came up it kernel panicked. Luckily it's not production, it was their
> sandbox. But they didn't backup any of their files. I know the disks are
> fine because I was able to boot from a linux live cd and mount the /boot
> partition from the sda drive, and the sdb drive that has the mysql database
> mounted at /var/lib/mysql and not using LVM. What I don't know how to do
> is mount /dev/sda2 (root / partition) which is an LVM/ext3 partition. Does
> anyone have the steps to mount this drive while booted into a linux live cd?
> --
> -matt
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