File transfer performance display?
John Abreau
jabr-iwcNaMm7aMIiq3RsQ1AnAw at
Tue Sep 30 15:33:41 EDT 2008
If cstream gives you the output you want, try replacing \n with \r:
ssh host run-program | cstream -T 5 -o localfile | tr '\012' '\015'
On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 2:36 PM, Derek Atkins <warlord-3s7WtUTddSA at> wrote:
> Hey BLUers,
> I used to be able to use curl to download some information, and it
> gives me some really nice transfer rate properties. Unfortunately I
> can't use that method anymore. So now I've got a process that
> effectively is:
> ssh host run-program > localfile
> Unfortunately this doesn't give me any feedback about my download
> transfer rate. I found a program called cstream, so using that I can
> do something like:
> ssh host run-program | cstream -T 5 -o localfile
> This gives me output that looks like:
> ...
> 132222700 B 126.1 MB 826.4 s (13:46 min) 159991 B/s 156.24 KB/s
> 132711520 B 126.6 MB 831.5 s (13:51 min) 159600 B/s 155.86 KB/s
> 133505134 B 127.3 MB 836.6 s (13:56 min) 159589 B/s 155.85 KB/s
> ...
> This is the information I want, however it's output on
> consecutive lines. So at 5 second intervals over an hour
> it will output 720 status lines. That fills up my terminal
> buffer pretty quickly.
> What I'd really like is something like the old curl (or scp)
> output that keeps the input on a single line. Does anyone
> have any suggestions for what program I can use? Neither dd nor
> cat provide throughput information, and I can't get scp, curl, or
> wget to copy from stdin to an output file and give me throughput
> information.
> I'd prefer not to have to go hack the cstream sources if I could
> avoid it. Is there any ready-made tool that could do what I want?
> Thanks,
> -derek
> --
> Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
> Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board (SIPB)
> warlord-DPNOqEs/LNQ at PGP key available
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