Assigning a character to a function key

Stephen Ronan sronan-VmQCmMdMyN0AvxtiuMwx3w at
Fri Dec 18 12:18:47 EST 2009

Thanks all for the very useful tips! Right now Spinrite has run 
its level 4 activities for for 12.5 hours with it anticipating 
another 59.5 hours to go. I agree that it'd probably make most 
sense to buy a new hard drive but the family's short on cash and 
may need to postpone that at least till they encounter 
significant problems due to the bad sectors. I look forward to 
trying the suggested key mapping technique once Spinrite is 
fixed, if I can't fix the key itself... I'm not optimisic since 
it's not only missing the top part of the key with the letter on 
it, but it's totally unresponsive.
     - Stephen Ronan

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