Boston Linux Meeting Wednesday, February 18, 2009 Linux Total Cost of Ownership
John Abreau
jabr-iwcNaMm7aMIiq3RsQ1AnAw at
Thu Feb 12 15:29:54 EST 2009
I've set up a google calendar for this, and tested it with gcalcli.
It's not integrated with the BLU calendar scripts yet.
The public URI for the calendar is
On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 2:02 PM, <jkinz-+hffLmS/kj4 at> wrote:
>> Do you know if it has a sync API?
> Interesting you should ask! :-)
> It has a number of API's, there is even a tool called "gcalcli" :
> "gcal cli" for use from the command line. that might be best
> suited for a shell scipt interface. There are also tools in
> JavaScript and Python. (and Java and .NEt and PHP)
> gcalcli is written in python.
> However, I don't know of a specific "sync" call. It may or may
> not exist. haven't dug in deeply enough yet.
> gcalcli uses the python Gdata tools which you can look at more
> closely here::
> and Docs are here:
> Jeff Kinz
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