Boston Linux Meeting Wednesday, February 18, 2009 Linux Total Cost of Ownership
John Abreau
jabr-iwcNaMm7aMIiq3RsQ1AnAw at
Thu Feb 12 22:08:40 EST 2009
If you login to your personal Google calendar and then paste the
URI that I provided into the "Other calendars" list, it will add the
blu-events calendar to the list of calendar feeds your personal
calendar is subscribed to.
Isn't this what you were asking for? The URI isn't meant to be
viewed in a web browser, it's meant to be a feed for a
calendar program.
On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 3:56 PM, <jkinz-+hffLmS/kj4 at> wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 03:29:54PM -0500, John Abreau wrote:
>> I've set up a google calendar for this, and tested it with gcalcli.
>> It's not integrated with the BLU calendar scripts yet.
>> The public URI for the calendar is
> Hi John, opening that I got a raw XML file/feed :
> However I did find a URL in the feed that worked OK:
> Which allowed me to add the event to my own calendar with a
> click.
> Ah - just found the "right" URL to see the whole calendar:
> Opening that URL gets you to the month view on the Blu calendar
> and clicking on an event lets you add it to your gcal.
> Jeff.
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