Any suggestion open source support ticket system

Dan Ritter dsr-mzpnVDyJpH4k7aNtvndDlA at
Fri Mar 6 13:01:25 EST 2009

On Fri, Mar 06, 2009 at 12:50:01PM -0500, Kevin D. Clark wrote:
> 1: does RT have any graphing capabilities?  For example, if at all
> possible when I am involved with a project, I try to construct a
> self-updating historical graph that shows the delta of {bugs created}
> versus {bugs resolved} in a given project.  If I'm at the end of a
> project and I see the count of open bugs going *up*, I know there is
> trouble.

Not directly, but it can be done. It's easier to search for
tickets with keyword foo and status != resolved, for example.

> 2:  does RT have the ability to answer a question like:  tell me which
> bugs Joe Engineer resolved over the past week?


> 3:  does RT allow somebody to define milestones and to search/report
> based on these?

No, this is a ticket system more than a bug tracker. The
emphasis is on interaction with customers on one end and
engineers on the other end, without annoying either side too
much, and possibly putting a layer of semi-technical support
people in between. 


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