Upgrade a CVS server to something else?
Greg Rundlett (freephile)
greg-SfI3QVg0eaJl57MIdRCFDg at public.gmane.org
Thu Dec 16 00:03:21 EST 2010
On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 10:59 AM, Kent Borg <kentborg-KwkGvOEf1og at public.gmane.org> wrote:
> markw wrote:
> > For me, or at least how I use a version control system is to just keep
> > track of my changes
> Something I recently realized works easily with git:
> # cd /etc
> # git init
> # chmod 700 .git
> # git add .
> # git commit -m "initial /etc contents"
> Now if an update changes some /etc files I will see which with "git
> status" and can see what changed in a specific file with "git diff
> terribly_important.rc". I likely want to add and commit the changes and
> can do so in two steps, or if no new files have been created I can add
> and commit all changes in a single step with:
> # git commit -a -m "changes from sha-3 upgrade"
You just described "etckeeper"
You can use git, bzr, mercurial or darcs as the backend (I use git) and it's
pretty neat because it just keeps track of things for you automatically by
hooking into your system's packaging commands.... and of course you can step
in and do a commit anytime you want to be in control.
Greg Rundlett
> Seems particularly nice when I am messing with things like apache
> configurations that still confuse me. I want to be able to see what my
> latest edits have done and get back to the previous state from before I
> started breaking things.
> For config files (not gigantic blobs, not /dev/sda, etc.), as long as my
> environment doesn't choke on the presence of a .git directory, I can do
> my revision control in-place.
> If I later decide it isn't worth it:
> # rm -rf /etc/.git
> ...and it will all go away like a bad dream on a sunny morning.
> -kb
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