Android question-> free calls
John Abreau
jabr-mNDKBlG2WHs at
Sun Nov 14 13:53:56 EST 2010
Sorry, I hit "Reply" instead of "Reply All" before.
There used to be a HOWTO for tying together Gizmo5 and Google Voice on an
android phone, to get free VoIP over the data connection. I'm not sure if it
still works the same after Google purchased Gizmo5, and I haven't seen a
more recent HOWTO yet.
On Sun, Nov 14, 2010 at 11:18 AM, Derek Atkins <derek-CrUh67yIh4IAvxtiuMwx3w at> wrote:
> On Sun, November 14, 2010 11:13 am, James Kramer wrote:
>> Two questions about Android:
>> I have an android phone with a good data plan but rather costly call
>> minutes. What is the best way to make free calls using the data
>> network? I have a google voice account. Is there an apt that will
>> ring my phone when I receive data based calls?
> There is apparently a google voice app you can install that will let you
> answer google-voice calls on your android phone, and call out via google
> voice as well, so you don't use your minutes. I've neither installed it
> nor seen it, so I cannot attest to its usefulness or quality.
>> I also do not understand how android controls processes. It does not
>> seem like there is a way to kill an apt. I have read that there are
>> apts available to kill processes but that it is unnecessary because
>> android has a way to load balance processes so that it is really not
>> necessary to kill the process. Is this true?
> There are task killers, but I've found that in general you don't need
> them. You can kill any task you want through the main Applications
> Setting page, if you go to the correct sub-page. But generally the system
> will take care of itself.
>> Thanks for the advice.
>> Jay
> -derek
> --
> Derek Atkins 617-623-3745
> derek-CrUh67yIh4IAvxtiuMwx3w at
> Computer and Internet Security Consultant
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