WAP suggestions?
Casey Callendrello
c1-3RMHT15Uf1WsTnJN9+BGXg at public.gmane.org
Thu Oct 28 14:27:53 EDT 2010
I highly recommend Ubiqiti. Great performance, fantastic price, and
their OS is excellent.
On 10/28/2010 09:41 AM, Chandler, Scott wrote:
> I'm in the market for a Wireless Access Point to be used in a software development lab. We don't currently have any wireless here so at some point we may choose to deploy this device on our production network. Meaning I'm willing to pay more now for something that I can trust on my production network later. We will never have more than 20 devices connected, more likely less than 5. The clients will be PCs and MACs.
> I'm leaning toward Cisco (to paraphrase an old saying, "no one gets fired for buying Cisco") but aside from home use, I don't have enough experience with wireless to make a rational decision.
> Any specific recommendations? Please explain your suggestion, I'm looking to learn, not just take the recommendation of someone at the other end of an email.
> Thanks,
> Scott
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