Android Tablet
Jerry Feldman
gaf-iwcNaMm7aMIiq3RsQ1AnAw at
Tue Apr 5 13:42:51 EDT 2011
We are planning a "root your Color Nook" meeting for later on. But,
AFAIK, all the non-iPad tablets are based on the Android OS. You don't
have the full Linux tool kit, but depends on exactly what tools do you
want. I don't think you'll see tablets that are ready to replace
laptops with HDs, multiple SD ports and even multiple USB ports.
On Tue, Apr 5, 2011 at 10:14 AM, Mark Woodward <markw-FJ05HQ0HCKaWd6l5hS35sQ at> wrote:
> OK, for those of you who attended my robotics talk, you know that I have
> an aging HP pavilion laptop. I'll probably buy a new laptop soon, but
> for portable use, I think laptops are too big. I'm looking for a tablet.
> No, I don't want an iPad.
> Anyway, does anyone have any experience with any of the android tablets
> out there? What about NextBook? The Viewsonic?
> Also, I've seen Intel Atom based tablets that claim to run Android? I
> thought Android is currently only available for ARM processors?
> Should I wait for a few more months until better ones become available?
> My wish list is.....
> WiFi - A Must
> Linux Access - I have to be able to get below the Android front to run
> ssh and stuff.
> full Linux tool set - Whether I have to put it on an SD card or what
> ever, I want to be able to use the standard Linux tools.
> better than 800x600 video.
> USB ports, both device and host.
> SD ports, preferably two.
> Headphone jack
> Wired networking - good to have but not needed
> Any suggestions?
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Jerry Feldman <gaf-mNDKBlG2WHs at>
Treasurer, Boston Linux and Unix
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