(OFF TOPIC)Re: state department starts to get it?
Jim Gasek
jim-ESJ+pY3k0/ZeoWH0uzbU5w at public.gmane.org
Tue Feb 15 10:39:06 EST 2011
How ironic! Kosher Kommisar Klinton tries to convince
us, sincerely, that she cares about "freedom" around the
globe, and meanwhile wipes her fat ass with the
Constitution, here at home.
I really like the way she talks at us like we're 3rd graders.
She says she sees "hypocrisy" in Iran? So, we're taking
sides again in Iran, because it turned out so well LAST
time? Doesn't the Constitution tell our diplomats to stay
clear of foreign conflict? What, we're so concerned about
Israel being in harms way?
Rule of thumb- When government becomes involved, freedom
goes down. Especially here at home.
Anyone who doesn't think FEMA, NSA, CIA et al. don't have
viable plans to seize the internet whenever the "emergency"
opportunity presents itself, is nuts.
Government regulates that which easily regulatable, taxes
that which is easily taxable, and seizes that which is seizable,
regardless of "lawful authority". Verizon and ATT are already
under spook control. Remember the warrant-less taps (the ones we
actually heard about)?.
Never mind freedom, there isn't even a lawful government in
control, or a court system that will make them so.
Those waiting for Clinton to spearhead an initiative to make
us "free", are going to be sadly disappointed. She's unable
to do so. Freedom comes to those who take it, not those
who beg for permission.
If there is one thing the military learned over the last
50 years, it is this: Logistics is the key- getting the
right stuff, communications and propaganda to the right place
at the right time, wins wars. Most Americans are already
on-board, having been brainwashed by their local newspaper
and government schools.
The founders could have never imagined government run
indoctrination camps like we are now compelled to pay for
with property taxes.
Jim Gasek
--- adler-wRvlPVLobi1/31tCrMuHxg at public.gmane.org wrote:
From: Stephen Adler <adler-wRvlPVLobi1/31tCrMuHxg at public.gmane.org>
To: "Blu unix (blu)" <discuss-mNDKBlG2WHs at public.gmane.org>
Subject: state department starts to get it?
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2011 22:01:01 -0500
Guys, I ran across the above article. I was wondering what the gnu/open
source/internet groups think of this. Is there somewhere on the internet
I can following this topic?
It's not Unix, but it's all about freedom! :)
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