Gmail no longer loads on Firefox solved
Jerry Feldman
gaf-mNDKBlG2WHs at
Mon Jan 3 17:10:27 EST 2011
On 01/03/2011 04:59 PM, Ian Stokes-Rees wrote:
>>> Speaking of bad plugins. I've been using Firefox Sync (formerly
>>> weave) to keep my bookmarks synchronized across multiple computers.
>>> Version 1.6.1 came out recently and it has completely
>>> screwed up my bookmarks. Lost some, duplicated others on multiple
>>> computers. For now, I've removed the plugin and reverted to a backup=
>> I use xmarks. They were recently acquired by lastpass. My bookmarks ha=
>> synced pretty good between my computers.
> That is great to hear. I was just looking at the XMarks website last
> week and wondering what their status was, since originally they were
> shutting up shop next week. I have been with them since the FoxMarks
> days and find it works really well. Hope the service continues.
I had used it once a while back, but dropped it, then I reset it up a
while back. I use it on my desktop and netbook Linux systems as well as
Windows and Linux at work.
Jerry Feldman <gaf-mNDKBlG2WHs at>
Boston Linux and Unix
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