Issues with mail - SOLVED
John Abreau
jabr-mNDKBlG2WHs at
Sun Jun 12 13:39:36 EDT 2011
When we configured the new mail server a couple weeks ago,
I had turned off SELinux via setenforce 0, but I forgot to
edit the config file in /etc/sysconfig.
Yesterday, Jerry had to reboot the server, and in doing so,
SELinux got turned back on, and that's what was blocking
all the mail.
I've disabled SELinux again, and that seems to have fixed
the backlog.
On Sun, Jun 12, 2011 at 9:39 AM, John Abreau <abreauj-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at> wrote:
> We're having some issues with the BLU mail server.
> This message is to check whether the list is working.
> Sent on Sunday, June 12 at 9:40 AM.
> --
> John Abreau / Executive Director, Boston Linux & Unix
> GnuPG KeyID: 0xD5C7B5D9 / Email: abreauj-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at
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