Ubuntu CPU scaling ignoring me more than my daughter does

David Kramer david-8uUts6sDVDvs2Lz0fTdYFQ at public.gmane.org
Sun Mar 6 23:42:58 EST 2011

'm trying to set the CPU speed to "full blast" on my 10.04 system, but
it keeps degrading to slower speeds.  I read up and stopped the ondemand
service which is what I thought was changing it, but it still changes on

I'm using "cpufreq-selector -c 0 -g performance -f 2000000 ;
cpufreq-selector -c 1 -g performance -f 2000000" which seems to work,
but after a short time it goes back down to 1.3 or some other
embarrassing speed.  I also see a process kondemand running, but I
thought stopping the ondemand service would stop that.

What else can I try?


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