[Discuss] Thumbs Up To Ben

Adam Hathaway ahathaway21 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 6 11:33:13 EDT 2011

Thanks Ben.  I usually use this list to read and I rarely comment but
figured I should give a thumbs up to Ben's comment.  Too much time on many
of these Linux mailing lists is complaining about competitors and not enough
on the actual mailing list subject.  I am not saying this is true about
everyone but I ask what kind of productivity/innovation would we have if a
large group of these FUD spreaders would refocus their time on something
other than complaining about competitor products/idealogy?


>As an aside, there is an incredible amount of FUD spread on this list.
>Instead of concentrating on the cool innovations that are happening in the
>open source community, half of the threads seem to be about how we are all
>getting screwed by Apple/Microsoft/Google/etc.


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