[Discuss] Early-bird discount extended 1-week! East coast LOPSA-PICC Sysadmin Conference, May 11-12, 2012, New Brunswick, NJ
Tom Limoncelli
tal at whatexit.org
Fri Mar 30 22:50:13 EDT 2012
Today was the last day for "early-bird discount" but we've heard from a folks that need a little more time to convince their manager. Ok. We're suckers for a story like that.
Here's what you can tell your manager:
People that attended last year said:
"The cost is inexpensive enough to make it a 'no brainer'"
"I met someone in line for dinner that gave me advice that saved 10x
the registration fee. Thank you!"
The tools and techniques you learn at PICC often has an ROI of weeks, not months. Really. You can learn how to "do more with less" through automation, survive a crazy day via better personal time management, or prevent big headaches by learning about surprises others found while doing upgrades that you are likely to do this year.
Remember that you'll only miss one day of work for this 2-day conference. It's magic.
The advice we gave last year about talking to your boss:
Register here:
East coast LOPSA-PICC Sysadmin Conference, May 11-12, 2012, New Brunswick, NJ
"the most talked about, community-run, sysadmin conference of 2012"
Register now and avoid the rush! http://picconf.org Space is limited!
Registration is open for the 2012 LOPSA PICC conference, May 11-12, 2012 at
the Hyatt Regency hotel in New Brunswick, NJ. Sysadmins and IT workers
from Maine to Virginia are expected to attend the most talked about,
community-run, sysadmin conference of 2012! We're excited to announce
our slate of speakers and world-class tutorials for 2012. Complete
details at http://picconf.org
Conference summary:
FRIDAY is all about world-class training:
-- Daytime: Long-format tutorials by world-class instructors: PowerShell,
Puppet, Amazon Web Services, WordPress, DNSSEC, IPv6 and much,
much more! http://www.picconf.org/picc12-training-classes
-- Dinner: Dinner and reception for all attendees.
-- Evening: Opening keynote (Bill Cheswick, "The future of Passwords")
-- Late: "Birds of a Feather" sessions.
SATURDAY adds invited speakers on a wide variety of topics:
-- Tutorials and invite talks such as:
-- Learn how Google does backups, how Etsy manages DevOps, and how
Mozilla has radically revamped their software release process.
-- Windows users will love the talks on MS Small Business Server
and tutorials on PowerShell (requested back for a 2nd year).
-- Linux users will love the talks about high performance computing,
the Ganeti free virtualization project, and advanced
monitoring techniques.
-- DevOps will be impressed by speakers from "the big three"
configuration management vendors: CFEngine, Chef, and Puppet.
-- Cloud computing training from speakers with "from the trenches" experience.
(Speaker list: http://www.picconf.org/picc-12-talkspapers )
-- CLOSING KEYNOTE: Rebecca Mercuri on "The Black Swan and Information Security"
LAST YEAR'S attendees said:
-- "The talks were all technical; no marketing hype, no sales people!"
-- "Small enough to have a community feeling, big enough to draw big name speakers."
-- "Next year I'm sending my entire team!"
REGISTER soon. Your boss will approve!
Priced right! Being a non-profit, community-based conference the
registration fee is what you'd pay just to travel to the big conferences.
We bring world-class speakers to you; saving you money and travel time.
Registration packages from $334 to $621 (with extreme discounts for
students and unemployed). Save up to $125 by registering before Friday,
March 30, 2012!
For more information and to register visit http://picconf.org
PICC (The Professional IT Community Conference) (http://picconf.org) is a production of The New Jersey chapter (http://lopsanj.org) of the League of Professional System Administrators (LOPSA) (http://lopsa.org). This is our 3rd annual conference and will be held May 11-12, 2012 at the Hyatt Regency hotel in New Brunswick, NJ.
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