[Discuss] Oracle 11G question

Edward Ned Harvey (blu) blu at nedharvey.com
Fri Apr 5 09:49:54 EDT 2013

> From: discuss-bounces+blu=nedharvey.com at blu.org [mailto:discuss-
> bounces+blu=nedharvey.com at blu.org] On Behalf Of Jerry Feldman
> What I would like to do is:
> 1. shutdown the listeners and console
> 2. allocate a 1TB vdisk and mount it onto /oradata.new. I'm thinking of
> using LVM so that I can add more space by adding another logical volume.
> 3. copy all the bits from /oradata to /oradata.new
> 4. unmount /oradata
> 5. remount /oradata.new onto /oradata
> 6. restart oracle

LVM sometimes gives you freedom where you otherwise would have had none, but this is a VM, most likely you can expand your disk without LVM.

1.  Comment-out /ordata from /etc/fstab, and chkconfig the oracle services off.
2.  Reboot.  It should come up cleanly without that mountpoint.  The reboot isn't actually necessary, it just proves a point.  Guarantees you're able to dismount and guarantees nothing's using it.
3.  Log into the vm host, and snapshot.  It's always good to snapshot the volume before expanding it.
And then expand the volume.
4.  As appropriate, fdisk to expand partitions inside the volume.
5.  resize2fs
6.  Re-enable fstab and chkconfig.  Reboot.  It should all come up cleanly.

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