[Discuss] Reminder: Software Freedom Day - Saturday, Sept 21
Will Rico
willrico at gmail.com
Thu Sep 19 10:35:36 EDT 2013
When: Saturday, September 21, 2013 9:30am - 5:30pm
Location: Cambridge College, 1000 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA
#1 bus or Red Line.
About half-way between Harvard Sq & Central Sq.
1) Red Hat is sponsoring coffee & bagels
in the morning. Thank you Red Hat!
2) Rackspace is sponsoring post-event drinks
at Tasty Burger in Harvard Sq.
Thank you Rackspace!
3) Please note the location is different from our
standard MIT meeting location.
Software Freedom Day
Software Freedom Day is celebrated
all over the world.
We'll be talking about privacy,
government transparency and
user freedoms online.
You'll hear updates from local groups
and voices from the wider free software
Expect learning, celebrating and
plenty of networking.
This event is free and open to the public!
9:30 - 10:00 Coffee, bagels and networking
Thank you Red Hat for sponsoring!
10:00 - 11:00 Protect Your Privacy in the Digital Age
Presenter: Steve Revilak, Massachusetts Pirate Party
11:15 - 12:15 A Post-Prism Journey Outside the Big Twelve
Social Media Platforms
Presenter: Will Rico, BLU & LibrePlanet Boston
12:30 - 2:00 Tables: Hacker/Maker show and tell, User groups
Plus lunch on your own
2:00 - 2:30 Cake for the GNU 30th Anniversary
2:30 - 3:00 GNU 30 Years
Presenter: Libby Reinish, Free Software Foundation
3:00 - 3:45 Government Transparency
Presenter: Paul Tagliamonte, Sunlight Foundation
4:00 - 4:45 Lightning Talks (x8)
Jason Pramas, Digital Media Conference
Molly DeBlanc, Free Software for the non-tehnical user
Erick Rosales, Proyecto Juan Chacon
Spots available (sign up now or morning of event)
5:00 - 5:30 Closing keynote on Technology and Dystopia
How Free Software Could Save the World
Presenter: Deb Nicholson of Open Invention Network and GNU MediaGoblin
6:00 Join us for after-event drinks and food at
The Tasty Burger in Harvard Square.
Thank you to Rackspace for sponsoring!
Details and the most up-to-date info posted here:
Post-event venue:
Transportation & Parking
Cambridge College is about half-way
between Harvard Sq & Central Sq.
Easily accessible via the #1 bus or
the Red Line.
More Events & Announcements
GNU 30th Anniversary Hackathon
Saturday & Sunday, Sept 18 - 29
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