[Discuss] Volunteer Request - Presenters for local high school

Grant M gmongardi at napc.com
Thu Apr 2 06:38:41 EDT 2015

In addition to what Max suggested, there are a bunch of online learning courses 
for the Raspberry Pi and Arduino. I've been writing software (embedded, Desktop, 
Control and Web) since the 1980s and just got a Pi for my birthday from my 
nephew. I haven't been so excited about something since my first project 
building prototype instrumentation on an 8051 core back in the early nineties. 
In fact I'm having a difficult time deciding on my first project with it. If 
this can get an old guy like me this excited about something that I've been 
doing for 30 years then I have to assume it's going to be interesting to at 
least some of your students. I don't know if the $35 + microSD cost entry fee 
would be too expensive for the school though.

In any case, best of luck!
Grant M.
Grant Mongardi
Senior Systems Engineer

gmongardi at napc.com
twitter: @Grantonator
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/grant-mongardi/19/34/182/
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