[Discuss] Limit the number of ip addresses which can connect to a port
Derek Atkins
warlord at MIT.EDU
Thu Nov 2 10:23:11 EDT 2017
Tom Luo <mariolzx at gmail.com> writes:
> Hi, Derek,
> Thanks for your suggestions. However, this is not exactly what I want.
> The service is running in the server. Users can only connect to the server
> using an assigned TCP port and a password.
> This service using port/password to identify a user. Different users will get
> different ports and their own unique password.
> For example, user A will connect to port 8001 using password "testpassword".
> User B will connect to port 8002 using password "testpassword2".
> Every user has to pay a fee to use the service.
> This works very well if no user shares port/password with other people.
> To reduce this passowrd/port sharing issue, I propose to limit the number of
> ip addresses connected to a port.
> If a user A (assigned port 8010) shares his/her password with a person C, user
> A can connect to port 8010 and use the service.
> If at the same time the person C tries to connect to port 8010 from another ip
> address. the firewall should decline the new connection.
> I also check the connections and I see one user can have many connections to
> the assigned port at the same time. So, I cannot use the number of active
> connections on a port to solve this issue.
> The only thing I can think about is using IP address. I think video service
> providers like hulu and netflix face the same issue. But, I don't know how
> they deal with the password sharing issue.
> I hope I explained the issue clearly. BTW, I don't have the source code of the
> service, so I cannot change the service itself.
You did, but I have a few more questions:
1) What is the client? Is this a Web-App (using a browser client)? Or
is there some special client?
2) Based on #1: How are you expecting the service to request a password
from the client, and how is the client supposed to deliver it?
I'll note that the way Netflix handles it is # of flows. You can be
logged in from any number of places, but your account is only allowed to
have N flows (based on your account status). I'll also note that this
is enforced by the netflix server, not by a wrapper. It's an integrated
limitation process.
On a side note, if you cannot change the server, then why do you care
how it's used? Clearly the server-creators don't care about limiting
its use.
> Thanks a lot!
> Tom
> On Wed, Nov 1, 2017 at 10:54 AM, Derek Atkins <warlord at mit.edu> wrote:
> Tom,
> Tom Luo <mariolzx at gmail.com> writes:
> > Yes. I want only one IP gets access to the service. However, I don't own
> > this application and I don't have the source code. That is why I can
> only
> > using firewall to handle it.
> > If there is no software capable to handle this, I am thinking about
> writing
> > a shell script to do it myself.
> Just so I understand: You have a service running on a server which
> *anyone* can use. But once *someone* is using it, further connections
> can only come from that single IP address. And then, once all
> connections drop again (i.e., nobody is using the service), then it
> opens up to anyone on any IP address again until someone else connects?
> Do I have this right?
> If so, I'm honestly not sure how to do this outside the application
> itself. You MIGHT be able to do it with tcp_wrappers with some state on
> the machine for the number of open connections.
> Another option is that you MIGHT be able to do this with something like
> fail2ban + firewalld. Every time there is a first-time connection then
> you add a firewall rule that limits access to only that IP address, and
> then once the user "logs out" you remove that restriction. Of course
> you would need to ensure that the connection/disconnection get logged
> properly, and you'd need to write the fail2ban scripts.
> If you cannot modify the application itself then this might be
> challenging to get all the connect/disconnect messages to properly line
> up.
> > Thanks,
> -derek
> --
> Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
> Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board (SIPB)
> URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/ PP-ASEL-IA N1NWH
> warlord at MIT.EDU PGP key available
Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board (SIPB)
URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/ PP-ASEL-IA N1NWH
warlord at MIT.EDU PGP key available
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