[Discuss] html issue
dan moylan
jdm at moylan.us
Tue Apr 5 15:41:21 EDT 2022
dan ritter wrote:
> dan moylan wrote:
>> when i enter this string into the url bar, i arrive at the
>> desired amazon web page.
>> file:///home/moylan/msg/htm/amz.htm
> Why would that take you to Amazon? That's a file saved on your
> machine.
true, but it's an html file from amazon -- attached at the
end of this message. perhaps "take me to amazon" was not
the right way of phrasing things -- rather, i should have
said "displaying an html file from amazon".
/bin/bash: line 1: indent: command not found
j. daniel moylan
84 harvard ave
brookline, ma 02446-6202
617-777-0207 (cel)
jdm at moylan.us
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Inspired by Campaign Monitor's article on using phone numbers in email: http://www.campaignmonitor.com/blog/post/3571/using-phone-numbers-in-html-email/.
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