[Discuss] Port Scanning

Kent Borg kentborg at borg.org
Sat Aug 10 12:52:32 EDT 2024

On 8/10/24 05:49, Rich Pieri wrote:
> You know how in-car software is notoriously insecure and never updated?
> Red Hat are looking to change that with Red Hat Automotive.

I sometimes feel like I'm the only one who doesn't want a car to be a 
rolling "smartphone". My current car has an engine computer the controls 
ignition stuff, but otherwise is close to completely manual. And as a 
result, I might keep running it for a lot of years.

What happens to all these current models in a few years? Instead of 
being riddled with holes where things have rusted through, they will be 
riddled with security holes and other bits that can't be fixed but must 
be replaced and replacements won't be available.

To what benefit? In my car I have to close the trunk by hand, it isn't 
motorized. Okay. If I want to unlock it I use a thing called a "key", 
not my cellphone or a keyfob that is so big I can't carry it in my 
pocket. If I want navigation features I can use my (nearly disposable) 
cellphone, not a bunch of disposable stuff embedded in what I think 
should be a durable asset.

Call me a Luddite.

I also have a it-wasn't-free TV, that I would like to keep a few years, 
and which I won't let talk to the internets, instead I'll have my $50 
little Roku box do that, something I am happier with being disposable.


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