[Discuss] Wireguard and Traveling and Network Overlaps oh my!

Rich Pieri richard.pieri at gmail.com
Sun Oct 20 17:37:52 EDT 2024

I'm traveling a bit this weekend and I ran into some network wonk with
my Wireguard VPN: My home network is The place I'm
staying uses for their WiFi network. Because my home
network overlaps their network, traffic to my home network doesn't go
out the Wireguard interface. It goes out the default for their net.

I doubt there is anything I can do about it now, but is there anything
future me can do to try to avoid this kind of overlap? Other than
re-addressing everything to use a different private network and hoping
it doesn't overlap again? Which I can do but not from a motel room 250
miles away.

\m/ (--) \m/

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