Thanks for all your help (was: URGENT! Server can't access net anymore)

David Kramer david at
Thu Apr 22 10:45:25 EDT 1999

The problem was that the PCI PNP code switched the ethernet cards on me
(eth0 -> eth1 and eth1 -> eth0).

I tried several things to fix it "the right way", including boot prompt
parameters, lilo append=, and conf.modules.  None of them worked.

At last night's BLU meeting (, everyone told me to
just give up and swap the network cards in their PCI slots.  So after
the meeting I waved my white flag and did that.  Of course that worked,
and now my server is up again.

Again, thanks for all your help.
 __                               .___
|  | ______________    _____    __| _/  David Kramer
|  |/ /\_  __ \__  \  /     \  / __ |   Pegasystems, Inc
|    <  |  | \// __ \|  Y Y  \/ /_/ | 
|__|_ \ |__|  (____  /__|_|  /\____ |   617-374-9600 x6330
     \/            \/      \/      \/   kramd at
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