Thanks for all your help (was: URGENT! Server can't access net anymore)

Bill Horne bhorne at
Thu Apr 22 11:48:35 EDT 1999

David Kramer wrote:
> The problem was that the PCI PNP code switched the ethernet cards on me
> (eth0 -> eth1 and eth1 -> eth0).
> I tried several things to fix it "the right way", including boot prompt
> parameters, lilo append=, and conf.modules.  None of them worked.
> At last night's BLU meeting (, everyone told me to
> just give up and swap the network cards in their PCI slots.  So after
> the meeting I waved my white flag and did that.  Of course that worked,
> and now my server is up again.

David - thanks for sharing the solution.  I'm a newbie, so I'll ask the
group to explain a couple of things.

1. What does Plug-'n'-play do with interrupts?  I always thought they
were cast in stone until I changed firmware/jumpers on a particular

2. Why would swapping the PCI slot cure this problem?  Wouldn't the
problem follow the card if the interrupts are mismatched?

3. Does a cable modem require a reset to recognize a new MAC address? 
Does the reset, if needed, have to come from the head end, or can they
be reset locally?

Thanks in advance.

Bill Horne
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