RCN vs Mediaone cable modem experiences?

Kyle Rose krose at theory.lcs.mit.edu
Thu Jul 15 11:27:32 EDT 1999

Hash: SHA1

>    I got an RCN cable modem installed this week.  I think I'll be
> giving it back.  Their DHCP server appears to use a very short lease
> period and hands out hostnames that look like this: r93aag000892.

Your experience differs greatly from mine.  I quote from


Seems reasonable to me.  So, I guess YMMV.  I use dhs.org as my
free DNS service, since my IP address lease is really long.

>    Looks like it's time to write a letter to Mr. V Chip about
> legislation clarifying open access to cable systems for ISP's.  Cable
> modems would be great if you could only get a reasonable company
> working the other end.

I disagree completely.  There's no incentive to be in any utility
industry; the only reason why there are companies in it is because
they were formed before regulation.  Now they make penny profits, and
as a result, we're still using copper wire for phone lines and turning
to much less regulated cable companies for broadband.  Wait until
that's regulated -- the UNIX clock will overflow the sign bit before
broadband is widespread.

So, no thanks.  I'll take capitalism.


- -- 
Kyle R. Rose                      "They can try to bind our arms,
Laboratory for Computer Science    But they cannot chain our minds
MIT NE43-309, 617-253-5883             or hearts..."
http://web.mit.edu/krr/www/                           Stratovarius
krose at theory.lcs.mit.edu                              Forever Free
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