RCN vs Mediaone cable modem experiences?

Jerry Feldman {75562} gzf at gbr.msd.ray.com
Thu Jul 15 11:28:50 EDT 1999

"Charles C. Bennett, Jr." wrote:

>    The MediaOne service (at least in Cambridge), while not providing a
> static IP addr at least provides a stable name in the DNS namespace.
> This allows them to look the other way on the "NO SERVERS!" mandate
> unless you become a bandwidth pig.  I'm not likely to go with MediaOne
> because they keep squeezing the cable lineup...
I am a long time M1X user going back to when it was first made available in
Newton. I serve my personal web page from my PC (both from Windows and from
Linux depending on what's booted up). Under M1X, your host name is static
and DNS served. Your IP address is assigned via DHCP, but they rarely change
it. I think I have had 3 or 4 max, one change was when I changed NICs,
another was when they renumbered Newton.

Jerry Feldman (HP On-Site Consultant) http://gbrweb.msd.ray.com/~gzf/
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