
Jerry Feldman {75562} gzf at gbr.msd.ray.com
Wed Jul 21 12:00:41 EDT 1999

"John Chambers,,,781-647-1813" wrote:

> I've long thought that wireless  (radio  and/or  IR)  had  a  lot  of
> potential  advantages.   It  occurred to me again this weekend, while
> listening to the frantic media coverage of  the  JFK-Jr  story.   Why
> didn't  they have a precise location for the plane?  GPS equipment is
> cheap these days, and most planes have it.  
That is true. Many planes have emergency locator beacons. As a pilot, I
think I know exactly what happened to JFK Jr. Started to descend to Martha's
Vinyard, lost his visual reference to the horizon (eg lost site of land, and
at night there is virtually no visual horizon between ocean and sky). Got
into a graveyard spiral, did not have the discipline to look at his
instruments and believe what they were telling him. Instrument rated pilots
will tell you that a large part of the training is recovering from unusual
attitudes (kind of like Bzibziak's). A low time pilot may have some
training, but not the discipline. Vertigo, or Spacial Disorientation is
something that one must experience to appreciate. Essentially, you don't
know which end is up. 

Back on Wireless, maybe we can get some of the wearable guys to come back
and talk to us with an emphasis on wireless IP.  
Jerry Feldman (HP On-Site Consultant) http://gbrweb.msd.ray.com/~gzf/
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