Switching to MediaOne

richb at pioneer.ci.net richb at pioneer.ci.net
Wed Jul 5 11:34:16 EDT 2000

I'm now typing this from my SuSE 6.4 configuration, and have finished
setting up all the various apps which I had on my old firewall config.

Yesterday I unplugged my old RCN connection (yay!) and brought the
old firewall box to the new house.

This morning I tried switching the new SuSE hard drive into the old box.
Tried each of the 3 different settings available for block-mapping of
the drive in the BIOS, but it won't read the drive properly (crashes
before completing a kernel load, or gets a CRC error).

Think this drive can be configured to work with the old motherboard's
BIOS, or am I stuck with keeping the drive attached to the P233
motherboard on which I did the software installation?

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