Shutting down unnecessary services

John Abreau jabr at
Thu Jul 20 10:34:01 EDT 2000

I'm making an effort to mimimize wha's running on one of my systems, and
after shutting off inetd, I've gotten things pretty tight. 

One of thefew remaining processes is portmap. I know this is used for the
"r" commands (rlogin, rcp, etc), but since I've shut these off, is there
any reason to keep running portmap? I'm running ssh2 for remote access.

John Abreau / Executive Director, Boston Linux & Unix 
Email: jabr at / URL:
ICQ#28611923 / AIM abreauj
"Working with NT is like trying to tune a watch wearing oven mitts.
 You can't get your fingers inside like you can with UNIX.

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