Sun StorageArray A1000 not seen by probe-scsi-all

John Abreau jabr at
Fri Sep 1 18:53:26 EDT 2000

I'm trying to install a new Sun E250 server with an external Sun StorEdge
A1000 disk array, and I can't get the E450 to recognize the A1000 at all.
I'm running probe-scsi-all at the ok prompt; it shows two scsi
controllers, and the internal disk and cdrom drive, but it doesn't detect
the four disks in the A1000. The manuals provided are no help; they assume
that this works fine, and suggest jiggling the cables to be sure they're

I'd appreciate any suggestions of how to resolve this.


John Abreau / Executive Director, Boston Linux & Unix 
ICQ#28611923 / AIM abreauj / Email jabr at

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